Speaking and Presenting

Speaking and Presenting2019-05-02T10:23:52+12:00

 Alex, Train Manager at KiwiRail (Tranz scenic Overlander), learned to pronounce frequently-used words correctly in order to provide exceptional customer services.

“Thank you so much for helping Alex. I am proud of how he has changed and I feel you should know how instrumental you have been in giving him the tools to achieve such good progress.” – Alex’s manager at KiwiRail.


The most important aspect of public speaking is preparation – the ability to formulate thoughts quickly and express them clearly and concisely.

It takes practice, but it can be done, and moreover, ANYBODY can do it. It doesn’t matter if your voice starts to quiver, just be sincere, take your time, and in the selfsame moment the words will appear.

Preparation comes from a variety of things, one of the key elements being reading.

Preparation also results from practice. Whether the speech be planned or not, you can still practice how to speak in public, stand in front of a mirror and talk.

Recite in your mind how you would express certain thoughts for a given occasion; get used to listening to and watching yourself talk. (But please, don’t get too carried away.)  Emily – blogger

Can’t get the words out?

  • Need confidence to speak to your child’s teacher, the supervisor at work, a neighbour, the doctor?
  • Want to ask for help at WINZ, Housing NZ, the local library?
  • Perhaps you’d like to recite your pepeha (personal brief) or make a speech at hui whanau (family events)
  • Become a sales person?
  • Maybe you just want to join the debate on the latest hot topic?

Speaking and presenting tuition is available to people who are in work, both individually at our learning centre, and through workplace courses. Contact us to see if you meet the requirements for funding.

Send us a message and one of our team members will get in touch with you.