

Literacy can be an issue in workplaces and an obstacle to economic growth.

The Adult Literacy and Life Skill (ALL) Survey (2006) shows that:

  • 44% of New Zealanders need help to read and understand continuous text like brochures and instructions (prose literacy).
  • 43% of New Zealanders need help to read and understand discontinuous text like charts, maps and timetables (document literacy).
  • 51% of New Zealanders need help to read and process mathematical and numerical information (numeracy).

In West Auckland that amounts to around 80,000 adults which includes those who are working.

Workplace literacy programmes can address issues in the workplace and have a positive influence on:

  • Productivity
  • Absenteeism
  • Understanding and following written or verbal instructions
  • Correct filling out of forms
  • Health and safety outcomes
  • Adherence to policies and procedures
  • Minimising waste

Call us on 09-825-0220 or send us a message and one of our team members will get in touch with you.