

Funding available for workplace programmes for 2021.

Call us for more information.

What is workplace literacy?

Reading, writing, maths and communication that people do at work.

Why teach literacy in the workplace?

It provides a real context, uses workplace documents, gives people immediate opportunities to practice, improves bottom line.

How is workplace literacy different from literacy in other settings?

It’s focused on what people need to do in their job in your workplace.

How is workplace different from industry training?

Literacy is implicit in workplace training. Employees may be unable to complete industry training or embrace new IT developments because they need to develop workplace literacy skills.

Ensure that your staff have the primary skills (language, literacy and numeracy) required for their role, which will enable further training to be effective with improved comprehension. Contact us today to discuss options available to start a programme either on site or off site.

What can Literacy Waitakere provide?

We are a not-for-profit adult literacy, language and numeracy (LLN) provider based in Waitakere. With a proven history built up over the past 40 years, employing over 20 specialised tutors, we deliver a range of flexible programmes to meet the wide range of needs from within both the community and companies.

We understand the need for Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) on all levels including senior staff.  We support companies to:

  • reduce accidents
  • increase productivity
  • improve communications between staff and supervisors
  • gain primary skills: reading, writing and speaking

We work with companies to deliver relevant unit standards, customising programmes for employees with LLN needs at all levels.

We provide quality programmes, with experienced and qualified tutors matched to the needs of each workplace. We can support the company with promotion, recruitment and retention of learners. We work around shifts and are flexible with the type of tuition offered including one to one, group provision and full day workshops.

Literacy Waitakere will work together with you to find the best funding options and design programmes for first or second language speakers.